Even though there are a lot of different varieties of sushi that people often order, in practise, you are free to pick whatever kind of fish and veggies that you want to put together. Because of this, in addition to some of the more well-known forms of sushi, you are free to build your own sushi variation and use as much creativity as you want in doing so. The following are some of the most prevalent approaches of preparing sushi, which are included in the first list:
- Bara Sushi – The vinegar rice and ingredients are mixed as a salad
- Chirashi Sushi – The rice bed has various layers of fish and is served in a bowl called Gomoku Sushi or Iso-don
- Futomaki – This is a large Maki roll that has many different ingredients using Nori, which is a seaweed wrap
- Inari Sushi – Instead of using the traditional vinegar rice, brown, fried tofu is used
- Nigiri Sushi – Vinegar rice topped with a slice of raw or cooked fish, or vegetables
- Okonomi Sushi – This is home-style Nigiri
- Onigiri – This Sushi is made with regular steamed rice and rolled into a ball with other ingredients
- Oshizushi – Vinegar rice and other ingredients of choice pressed into a mold
- Temaki – These are cone-shaped seaweed rolls also called a hand roll
This second list includes all the various types of Sushi:
- Amaebi – Sweet shrimp
- Boston Rolls – Crab, salmon, and scallion
- California – Crab and avocado
- Ebi – Shrimp
- Egg Salad Rolls – Hard-boiled eggs, mayonnaise, and green onion strips
- Hamachi – Yellow Tail
- Hirame – Halibut
- Holiday Rolls – Turkey, cranberry salsa, and cream cheese strips
- Hotate – Scallop
- Ika – Squid
- Ikura – Salmon roe
- Kani – Crab
- Kappa Ma – Cucumber
- Maguro – Tuna
- Masago – Smelt Roe
- Mirugai – Giant clam
- New York Rolls – Smoked salmon, apple, and avocado
- Pesto Rolls – Turkey or chicken, cream cheese strips, and pesto
- Philadelphia Rolls – Smoked salmon, cucumber, and cream cheese strips
- Saba – Mackerel
- Sake – Salmon
- Shrimp Rolls – Shrimp and cream cheese strips
- Smoked Salmon Rolls – Smoked salmon, cucumber, and cream cheese strips
- Spider Roll
- Summer Melon Rolls – Prosciutto and melon strips
- Tako – Octopus
- Tai – Red snapper
- Tamago – Egg
- Tekka Maki – Tuna Roll
- Temaki – Spicy tuna
- Texas Rolls – Cooked beef, cucumber, and spinach leaves
- Toro – Fatty Tuna
- Tuna Salad Rolls – Tuna salad and lettuce leaves
- Unagi – Eel
- Uni – Sea urchin
- Veggie Rolls – Pesto, cucumber, tomato, mushrooms, scrambled egg, scallions
Remember that some of the forms of sushi that were stated above are newer recipes that were developed by individuals who have creative minds, and that all of these types of sushi have grown fairly popular in the United States.
This third list includes other ingredients that are commonly used for Sushi:
- Short-grain white rice
- Nori (seaweed)
- Mirin (sweet rice wine)
- Seasoned rice vinegar
- Prawns
- Barbecue or regular eel
- Caviar
- Albacore
- Avocado
- Alpha or bean sprouts
- Asparagus
- Shitake mushrooms
- Cream cheese
- Tempura batter
As you can see, sushi consists of more than just fish and rice. Despite the fact that you are free to construct any component combination that strikes your fancy, the one thing you should be careful to do is preserve the traditional qualities of this Asian dish. This entails offering the sushi with a selection of dipping sauces, such as soy sauce or wasabi, and a palate cleanser, such as pickled ginger or green tea, for the customer to choose from.
You are going to discover that cooking sushi is, in true actuality, rather simple. Because of this, in addition to the fact that it is low in calories, packed with wonderful nutrients, and tastes fantastic, there is no question that sushi will replace your current favourite cuisine as your new go-to meal.