Things to Do in Oxford, MS (Home of The University of Mississippi and William Faulkner)

You are aware that Oxford, Mississippi is mostly a college town. Ole Miss, the nickname given to the University of Mississippi by its students and alumni, is located in Oxford. When you go to Oxford, Mississippi, you should be ready for a plethora of unexpected experiences. There is hardly another city in the American South that is centered so closely on a big university as this one is. Red and blue are the colors of life, breath, prayer, and even cursing in this town. The University of Mississippi is such a vast draw that it generates a feeling of anticipation and excitement that can only be found in this city. An up-to-date schedule of local events may be found on the website of the Oxford Convention & Visitors Bureau.

Oxford, Mississippi is the most peculiar city in the state of Mississippi.

Oxford, Mississippi was established in 1837 and received its name from a town of the same name located in England. They selected the name in the vain expectation that it would attract the establishment of a university in this location. When the University of Mississippi first opened its doors in 1848, the community believed it had accomplished its aim.

Some communities just accept the presence of the institution they host. Not Oxford! The University of Mississippi, often known as Ole Miss, is more than simply a school; it is Oxford’s very identity. Alumni who have made a fortune sometimes return to Oxford in order to purchase condominiums. They like the exciting vibe that pervades the neighborhood even when there is nothing particularly noteworthy taking on there. Homeowners in the area include Eli Manning, Shepherd Smith, and John Grisham, who resided at a property just west of town.

The Square is the focal point of activity in the heart of downtown Oxford.

The impressive Lafayette County Courthouse Building serves as the focal point of the public plaza. The old courthouse was destroyed by fire in 1864 at the hands of Union Troops. This structure, which was constructed in 1872 as a replacement for the previous one and using monies provided by the federal government, The area is elegantly encircled by a broad roadway that only goes in one direction, which provides enough parking on most days. There are gorgeous individuals, as well as traffic, as well as stores, offices, and restaurants. The J. E. Neilson Co., which has been operating as a department store on the town square continuously since 1839, was added to the National Registry of Historic Places.

The best and most pleasurable place to shop for books in the state is Square Books Store, which can be found on the south side of the square. It is not unusual to see well-known writers giving readings from their books to customers while they are inside the shop. Do not pass up this opportunity! In the not too distant future, I want to write a comprehensive article about Square Books.

When it comes to little places, big things may happen.

During our trip to Oxford, we saw that the town square was being occupied by a crowd that was far bigger than typical. In front of the City Hall, there was a stage that had been set up, as well as television equipment, lighting, cameras, and sunscreens. The Shepherd Smith Show, which is hosted by Fox News, was being broadcast live from Times Square. The attention that was attracted to the city was a direct result of Hilary Clinton’s appearance that afternoon at The University of Mississippi, where she gave a speech. On the far northeastern part of the area was where the platform for Fox News had been set up.

The Most Well-Known Resident of Oxford

1962 was the year that saw the passing of Oxford’s most renowned resident. He was the author William Faulkner, who was awarded the Nobel Prize. On the grounds outside of the Oxford City Hall, which is very tiny, there is a monument honoring him.

Characters and settings from Faulkner’s writings were based on locals he encountered at Oxford. He gave them new names, but it’s easy to see where the allusions are coming from. I assume he did this to protect the innocent. His house, Rowan Oak, was constructed in 1844, making it an important piece of local history. It is located on the south side of town, right off old Taylor Road. Rowan Oak is available for visits on a daily basis.

“Ole Miss” is at home, in Oxford, MS

The University of Mississippi has a campus that is not just gorgeous but also historic, historical, and relatively small. Even the football stadium can be reached on foot from the main part of campus in a reasonable amount of time. The architectural details of the older buildings continue to amaze tourists, and even the constructed structures adhere to the local style by incorporating sophisticated contemporary design elements. The central portion of the campus is home to a number of parks that cover acres of land. During the school day, these lovely outdoor spaces are packed with hundreds of kids who are relaxing, studying, and laughing.

The cultural and intellectual growth of the surrounding region is given a push in the right direction by the presence of major institutions. Oxford is home to a plethora of cultural relics, including artwork, handicrafts, antique shops, and more.

The University of Mississippi is located on a Campus Rich in History.

The Lyceum is the oldest structure on the University of Miami’s campus. The institution of higher learning was granted its charter in 1844, and in 1848 it welcomed its first cohort of eighty freshmen. For a period of 10 years, it served as the only public institution of higher education in the state of Mississippi.

The Lyceum is the most historic structure on the whole campus. It was erected between the years 1846 and 1848, and at one point it was utilized to house all of the university’s classrooms as well as the offices of the professors. The original structure has since had two additional wings attached to it, and it is now used to house the administrative offices of the institution.

It was in the year 1854 that the university’s law school first opened its doors, making it one of the oldest in the United States. On top of that, Oxford’s School of Pharmacy is a world-renowned institution and can be found right here on campus.

The University of Mississippi Institution of Medicine was established on the Oxford campus in 1903 when the school first opened its doors. In 1955, the institution was relocated to the city of Jackson in Mississippi. The University of Mississippi Medical Center is its official name presently. It is recognized as one of the top medical schools in the United States and was a leader in the development of numerous surgical procedures that are now considered to be industry standards. Many of its students from various counties around Mississippi and many of them remain in the state after earning their degrees.

The blues music archives at this institution are the biggest in the United States, and they are home to the very first commercial recording of the blues. The track was a record by Mamie Smith from 1920 named “Crazy Blues,” which was made in a studio.

There are several fantastic restaurants in Oxford.

There are a great number of restaurants to choose from. The Ajax Diner’s Southern cooking is quite popular, resulting in enormous crowds. The Old Venice Pizza Company is known for its delicious authentic Italian cuisine. The Cajun food at Boure’ is on par with the best that can be found in the hill area. The City Grocery is a high-end restaurant that lives up to all of its reputations. These are but a few examples of all that is accessible. There are excellent dining options available outside of the central center. Despite being a very small city, Oxford has grown in all four cardinal directions, and each of these neighborhoods has a variety of excellent dining options.

School Athletics, a primary focus of major Universities

The University of Mississippi is an institution that is absolutely obsessed with athletics. It offers important competitions in a wide variety of sports for both men and women. It competes at the highest level in the NCAA, Division One. The sport that receives the greatest attention is football, played by the Ole Miss Rebels (I am aware that they changed the name, but I like the old term). On a lot of campuses, there is this weird culture of athletics that is hard to put into words. Even those who don’t really like for football can’t help but show up to the games. Huge audiences transform games into weekly celebrations, and it doesn’t seem to make any difference whether the host club is winning or losing. There is, of course, a sizeable population that is obsessed with ‘the game’ to such an extreme degree that they go berserk if their favorite team does not win the national title at least once every few years.

Even those who aren’t fans of Ole Miss can’t help but get excited when they see the team making its way to the stadium down the Walk of Champions, which begins at the dorm and continues through the Grove. The Grove is a big park located in the middle of the campus that is populated with majestic oak trees. However, on “Football Saturday,” it is packed with tailgate titans who take sips from champagne flutes or long-neck beers while yelling “Hoddy Toddy” (whatever that means). The members of the squad who are standing the closest to the walkway are given high fives. Big-time college football is recognized for being a demanding grind that may result in nose bleeds, shattered dreams, and damaged limbs. Each member of the squad believes that he is on his way to becoming worldwide fame.

Archie Manning and Johnny Vaught

When I was asked to deliver the eulogy at Dizzy Dean’s burial ceremony, I had the honor of meeting the renowned coach Johnny Vaught, who is responsible for a significant portion of the illustrious history of Ole Miss Football. In the car on the way to the cemetery, I found myself sandwiched between Roy Acuff and Bear Bryant and Johnny Vaught. I felt like a Volkswagen Bug in a Cadillac parade.

When a young player with red hair called Archie Manning turned up to try out for the team, Johnny Vaught was the coach. Archie’s entrance onto the field, wearing the “Number 18” jersey that has since been retired, was nothing short of thrilling. In recognition of everything that he has done for the university, the speed limit on campus was increased to 18 miles per hour. Since his father, Archie Manning, was an All-American football general for Ole Miss, his son Eli Manning has helped give the institution one of the finest winning records it has ever experienced. His father, Archie Manning.

The victory against nationally ranked Tennessee that occurred during the Archie period at Ole Miss is recounted in a well-written and vivid article that appeared in an issue of Sports Illustrated published in 1969. The infamous “Archie Who?” buttons are the focus of this book’s narrative. The buttons were conceived as a mockery directed against Archie and Ole Miss. Instead, they were responsible for Archie’s rise to fame. Everyone enjoys rooting for the underdog, particularly when that underdog manages to pull through and outperform expectations. Archie proved that he could, and he did.

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